
モノノメ #2

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◉宇野常寛 責任編集『モノノメ #2』






 ▼動画:PLANETS YouTubeチャンネル
 宇野常寛(PLANETS編集長)× 鞍田崇(哲学者)

そして、創刊号に続く『モノノメ #2』では、




▼『モノノメ #2』はこんな雑誌です

改めて問います。いまの報道は、批評は、おもしろいでしょうか? それは果たして、考える場として機能しているでしょうか?  僕にはそうは思えません。いま、情報ネットワークにあふれかえるほとんどの言葉は、ある問題があったときにその問題を解くための知恵を出すこともなければ、問題そのものの問い直すこともありません。ほとんどの言葉は既に「世間(僕が一番嫌いな言葉です)」で話題になっている問題に、どう答えるとある層を動員(課金)させることができるかという大喜利的なゲームのプレイになってしまっています。そして、そこには何も建設的なものは存在しません。






『モノノメ #2』は他にも、







◉Tsunehiro Uno Editor in Chief 『Mononome #2』

※In commemorating the release of 「Slow Internet &Mononome #2」 a sticker is included. The offer will end without prior notice as soon as the quantity is gone.

We dare to be a paper magazine, not a web magazine. We dare not place our products on Amazon or major bookstore chains, but limit our sales to stores and facilities that share our main objective. We dare not to print more than a limited number of copies.

The magazine 『Mononome』 can be seen as both provocative and challenging.
We are very fortunate to have Takashi Kurata (a board member of our corporation) as a contributor to the first issue, featuring the "Mujina's Garden".


It all started with one interview, one conversation.

▼Interview:Slow Internet
Mr. Kurata, Please tell us more about folk art Mingei

▼Video :PLANETS YouTube Channel
Slow Internet Conference Uno Tsunehiro PLANETS (Editor in Chief) x Takashi Kurata (Philosopher)
※Available for free for a limited time only

In the second issue, following the first issue 20,000 words 20 pages worth of reportage will be published. By reading the two books together, we believe you will learn more about the intention and significance of Mujina's activities, as well as the challenges we are currently facing.

▼ About Mononome #2

I want to ask this question again. Is today's news coverage and criticism interesting? Is the audience able to relate and ask questions on what is being said? I personally do not think so. Most of the words that flood the internet, media today do not offer any wisdom to solve a problem, or to rethink the problem itself. Most of the words are based on what the overall “public”(personally not really a fan of the reference) is talking about and it has become a great game play to see how you can mobilize (charge) a certain segment of the population to answer the question. With that nothing constructive is created.

This is why we wanted to start the Slow Internet movement in 2020. This is a movement that proposes to resist the "speed" offered by the platforms and to think slowly, sometimes outside of the mutual evaluation game of social networking.

In Autumn of 2021 we have created our first magazine issue called Mononome. The concept of the magazine is “not reachable by search”. We want to turn our back against the tides of the timeline, and only allow for those who have their feet grounded on what they do to participate. We don't want to become a magazine that entertains its readers by throwing stones at those who have failed, or that redeems itself by going after an already dominant topic. Following the concepts from the Slow Internet movement, we want to create a platform for slow thinking against the attention economy.

We have and we will continue to only sell it by direct internet sales and to facilities who understand our concept. To be able to have the first 5,000 copies of the first issue be delivered to 5,000 people who truly understand what we are trying to do. Not just stopping after finish selling, but to continue to carry on thinking about these topics with the readers.... Thats the kind of magazine we aim to become.

Finally, whats important about this project is to not just stop here but to continue on. By trying out new ideas and coming up with new ones, figuring out what works and what doesn't, we hope to become truly independent and not get carried away. We hope to continue to send a message while maintaining a certain level of quality. I want to be able to create a success story, even if it′s small, in a way that it will last for a long time. I truly believe this can be done.

The second issue, in addition to the first issue, we have also put passion into our work that is second to none, or even more so. We will promise to meet your expectations. Please look forward to its arrival!

In addition to Mononome #2, click the link below for more↓

◎ Includes Full Page Commentary Collection that will make things 100 times more interesting!

◎ Includes Commentary Collection+ Dialogue Collection 「Tsunehiro Uno and the four Great Sages」

◎ First Issue & Second Issue+ Commentary Collection+ Dialogue Collection Set.

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