
モノノメ 創刊号

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◉宇野常寛 責任編集『モノノメ 創刊号』






 ▼動画:PLANETS YouTubeチャンネル
 宇野常寛(PLANETS編集長)× 鞍田崇(哲学者)

そして、創刊号に続く『モノノメ #2』では、




▼『モノノメ 創刊号』はこんな雑誌です


こうしてはじまった「遅いインターネット」計画。この1年、僕たちは あたらしいウェブマガジンの運営と、タイムラインの潮目に流されない 豊かな「発信」のちからを養うワークショップを継続してきました。そして、2021 年。この運動の次のステップとしてあたらしい「紙の」 雑誌を創刊します。


由来は春の季語の「物の芽」で、いろいろな植物の芽の総称です。そしてそこに「ものの目」という意味も込めました。僕たちはいま、人の目 のネットワークの中に閉じ込められているところがあるので、別の目で世界を観てみたい。そんな思いを込めています。

コンセプトは「検索では届かない」。タイムラインの潮目を一切無視した、ほんとうの意味でのインディペンデント・マガジンを目指します。 誰かが設定した問いに大喜利的に応える今日の言論状況とは真逆に、自分たちが問いを立てること、そして「......ではない」ではなく「......である」という言葉で語ることをルールに紙の雑誌を再起動します。

SNS で既にシェアされている話題にどう反応するとたくさん座布団がもらえるかばかり考えている人は呼ばない。セールス的に問題がなければ(もしくは十分に広告が取れれば)Amazonには置かない。大手書店チェーンにも(たぶん)置かない。インターネットの直接販売と、このコンセ プトを理解してくれる施設でのみ販売します。初版は絞って 5000 部くらい。基本的には増刷しない。そしてこの 5000 部をほんとうに届けたい人 5000人にしっかりと届ける。ただ売って終わりにしない。そのあと読者と一緒に考え続ける。そんな雑誌を新創刊します。うまくいけば、定期刊行にしたいと考えています(4ヶ月~半年に1回の頻度を考えています)。

いま、この国はカビの生えた権威に媚びて席をもらうか、アテンション・ エコノミーに乗っかって空疎なパフォーマンスをやり遂げないと、ものを表現することが難しくなっています。けれども、それではどんどん世界は貧しく、つまらなくなっていく。この小さな雑誌が、本当に価値を生んでいる人たちがちゃんとした手続きで読者に出会えるような、そんな場になればいいと思っています。しばらく、粘り強く続けるつもりです。よろしくお付き合いください。

饗庭伸 / 東千茅 / 浅生鴨 / 安宅和人 / 磯辺陽介 / 井庭崇 / 猪子寿之 / 宇野常寛 / 岡島礼奈 / 沖本ゆか / 乙武洋匡 / 門脇耕三 / 川上弘美 / 菊池昌枝 / 鞍田崇 / 酒井康史 / 高山都 / 田中浩也 / 田中元子 / 福嶋亮大 / 藤井明香 / 古谷知華 / ぽむ企画 / 松田法子 / 丸若裕俊 / 最上和子 / 本瀬あゆみ / 柳瀬博一 / 渡邉康太郎

『モノノメ 創刊号』は他にも、






◉Tsunehiro Uno Editor in Chief 『Mononome First Issue』

※In commemorating the release of 「Slow Internet &Mononome First Issue」 a sticker is included. The offer will end without prior notice as soon as the quantity is gone.

We dare to be a paper magazine, not a web magazine. We dare not place our products on Amazon or major bookstore chains, but limit our sales to stores and facilities that share our main objective. We dare not to print more than a limited number of copies.

The magazine 『Mononome』 can be seen as both provocative and challenging.
We are very fortunate to have Takashi Kurata (a board member of our corporation) as a contributor to the first issue, featuring the "Mujina's Garden".

It all started with one interview, one conversation.

▼Interview:Slow Internet
Mr. Kurata, Please tell us more about folk art Mingei

▼Video :PLANETS YouTube Channel
Slow Internet Conference Uno Tsunehiro PLANETS (Editor in Chief) x Takashi Kurata (Philosopher)
※Available for free for a limited time only

And in the second issue, following the first issue 20,000 words 20 pages worth of reportage will be published.

By reading the two books together, we believe you will learn more about the intention and significance of Mujina's activities, as well as the challenges we are currently facing.


▼ About Mononome First Issue

Today's Internet is "too fast. I would like to think about how to use the Internet in a way that allows us to stop for a moment, and digest information slowly, against the speed at which we consume information that is too fast. What we need now is a "slower" Internet.

This is how the "Slow Internet" project began. Over the past year, we have continued to operate a new web magazine and hold workshops to cultivate the ability to transmit information in a way that is not influenced by the currents of the timeline. And now, in 2021, as the next step of this movement, we will launch a new "paper" magazine.

We have decided on the name of the magazine to be called Mononome.
The origin of this word is "mono no bud", which is a general term for the buds of various plants in spring. Mononome in english is lens of things. We are currently trapped in a network of human eyes, so I would like to see the world through different eyes.

The concept is "not reachable by search". We aim to be an independent magazine in the true sense of the word, ignoring all the tides of the timeline. In direct contrast to today's state of discourse, where we respond to questions set by someone else with great glee, we must ask our own questions not in the form as “....is not” but instead in a form of “....is” .With that rule in mind we will be launching our paper magazine.

We don't call people who only think about how they can get a lot of likes by responding to topics that have already been shared on social networking sites. If it's not a sales problem (or if we get enough ads), we won't put it on Amazon. We wont sell it in major chain bookstores. (maybe?)We will only sell it by direct internet sales and to facilities who understand our concept. The first printing was about 5,000 copies. There will be no additional printings. To have these 5,000 copies get delivered to those who truly understand what we are trying to do. Not just stopping after finish selling. But continue to carry on thinking about these topics with the readers. And once that is done we will launch a new magazine. Hopefully we can make it a regular publication. We are considering a frequency of once every four to six months.

Nowadays, it is difficult to express oneself in this country without either flirting with a moldy authority to get a seat at the table or accomplishing an empty performance in the Attention Economy. But that will only make the world more poorer and boring. I hope that this small magazine will be a place where people who are really generating value can meet their readers in a proper procedure.I intend to stick with it for a while. Please bear with me.

In addition to Mononome First Issue, click the link below for more↓

◎ Includes Full Page Commentary Collection that will make things 100 times more interesting!

◎First Issue & Second Issue+ Commentary Collection+ Dialogue Collection 「Tsunehiro Uno and the four Great Sages」set.

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